I heart faces


This weeks challenge over at I heart faces is called “Let’s hear it for the girls”. I always think about entering and then I go back and forth through all my pictures trying to decide which picture is best of this challenge and then sometimes just decide that I will not enter. This time I just picked one of my favorites of my little Lilah. I am very big on having my girls feel how they feel, dress how you want (as long as it is appropriate) be yourself!  I am their mother here to guide them, but I want them to be themselves and find who they are as an individual. It has been a rough year with Lilah this year and needless to say it has been rough on the rest of us as well. She has a very strong personality, very emotional and very dramatic.  She is also one of the funniest kids ever, her stories are just hilarious! I love and choose this photo of Lilah, because she is always so emotional, but at this moment,  she is so full of joy and laughter, dancing in the bathtub with a washcloth on her head, she is just enjoying life and being herself. 🙂  I will look back at this photo someday and I will remember what joy this beautiful child has and has brought us and I really believe the struggles we have faced this year with Lilah will be faded out of my mind and just filled with this beautiful joy that is on her face. 🙂





4 Responses to “I heart faces”

  1. I love this pic…such a perfect capture of delight!

  2. Stephanie says:

    What a fun picture

  3. Z says:

    What a gorgeous photo!

  4. Becky says:

    I really love the texture and richness of this photo!

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