This post has a bit of a story behind it, so hang in there with me, this is going to be a longer post, sorry in advance. 🙂 Five years ago, I decided I was going to dive head first into a photography business. I have always loved photography, did yearbook photos in high school, took photos for family, etc. Along came digital photography and I decided I did not want a part of that, I loved film and I had an awesome Nikon film camera. Years went by and digital cameras were improving. I started doing research and bought myself my first Nikon digital. Woohoo right? Well I just cant stop there, I became obsessed with photography and I mean obsessed, I was going to do this and do it good! I studied books, I read articles online, etc. One day though on facebook, this amazing photo caught my eye, the photographer was Jean Smith. I clicked on her link and was in love with her photography. I got enough guts to email her one day to tell her how much I loved her photography and asked if she had workshops. She was so kind and returned my email, but sadly for me, no workshops. Fast forward a year later, I get an email saying hey I am having a workshop, OH MY GOSH!!, I was so excited. It was time to register and I was just praying I would get a seat, but to be honest when I went on to register, I decided I could not spend the money, due to things going on in my families life, I was heartbroken. My husband came home from work that night and asked me if I signed up and I said no, we can’t justify that right now. He said SIGN UP!! He said you love photography so much, you love this ladies work, this is an opportunity you can not pass up. I believe my husband had more faith in me as a photographer at that time then I did. ( thank you hubby) So I did it! The day came for the workshop and like a young girl going to a new school, I was so nervous, yet excited. I got to meet Jean Smith, this photographer whose work that I loved so much. YAY! Not only that, the workshop was amazing. Jean and her husband Travis, who is also an amazing photographer put the workshop on together. They both opened up their hearts and shared everything about their business, how they photograph, how they work with clients, etc. Ok, so fast forward again, like two weeks. I get a message from Jean, “hey would you be interested in second shooting a wedding with me” UMMMMMM of course! I again was so so nervous, but it turned out to be awesome and it started a five year run of shooting weddings with Jean. We have so much fun together and create some really awesome images, if I do say so myself. 🙂 She has been a huge inspiration to me from the start of my photography journey, but getting to know Jean as a person not the photographer, she is an amazing person, who is a huge positive influence in my life, a mentor to me in photography, and just has become one of my dear friends.  I am so beyond thankful for the part she has played in my photography journey. I can not leave her awesome hubby out, Travis has been there to help me along the way as well! I appreciate them so much! With all that being said, it was such a honor to photograph Jean, Travis and their handsome boys. To my dear friends Jean and Travis, your love for each other is beautiful and you are two of the kindest, giving, positive individuals I have been blessed to know. Thank you for allowing me to capture a part of your life and thank you for being there on my photography journey that has lead me to where I am now. 🙂 Love you!! For anyone interested in seeing my beautiful friends work you can check them out here and here. Alot of photos, but stick with me to the end, you will not be disappointed, the golden hour is amazing!!!